How to take Omega-3 ?

Uống omega-3 thế nào

How should I take Omega-3 ? Omega-3 Seal Oil and What You Didn’t Know.

The Omega-3 fatty acids in seal oil have many health benefits. It also helps to reduce a large number of diseases with regular and planned use.

Omega-3s have been researched to help fight inflammation, cardiovascular disease, obesity, psychological disease, arthritis, and cancer. It also contributes to the growth and development of infants and children.

When is the best time to take Omega-3 ?

Uống omega-3 trong bửa ăn sáng

For a long time, breakfast has become a favorite time to use dietary supplements. At the beginning of a new day, many people often take advantage of the energy regenerated after sleep to focus on their health.

Recently, there have been many studies on the relationship between drug effectiveness and time of day use. These findings suggest multiple benefits of scheduled supplementation.

Fish oil is one of the most popular Omega-3 supplements. And technically, you can take it any time that works best for you. As long as you take it with a meal. The Omega-3 EPA and DHA found in fish oil are absorbed more efficiently when taken with other fats. It also means that, if you take Omega-3s on an empty stomach, they may not be absorbed.

People with acid reflux when using fish oil, experts recommend dividing the dose during the day. Avoid taking a large dose in the evening. This is because fish oil tends to float on top of gastric juice (oil floats on top of water). So it causes indigestion for some people. For others, nighttime may be the ideal time to take an Omega-3 supplement. Especially if they are combined with other nutrients that aid sleep.

How does a low-fat meal affect the absorption of Omega-3 ?​

For decades, many people have also chosen to take Omega-3s as a morning supplement. However, researchers point out that Omega-3 fatty acids need to be consumed with food. And preferably the high-fat variety, to be well absorbed.

Studies suggest that eating a low-fat breakfast and skipping breakfast is the reason some users don’t see a significant increase in their Omega-3 levels. So what does that mean for consumers? If you don’t eat breakfast or usually eat low-fat foods in the morning, then try to supplement your daily Omega-3 intake later in the day with a fuller meal.

Recommended intake - How to take Omega-3 properly ?

Recommendations for fatty acids and other nutrients are recommended in the “Recommended Intakes” (DRIs). It was developed by the “Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine” (IOM). DRI is a general term for a table of reference values. This table outlines the planning and assessment of nutritional intake for a healthy person. These values are classified by age and sex.




During Pregnancy


Under 6 months

0.5 g

0.5 g

7–12 months

0.5 g

0.5 g

1–3 years

0.7 g

0.7 g

4–8 years

0.9 g

0.9 g

9–13 years

1.2 g

1.0 g

14–18 years

1.6 g

1.1 g

1.4 g

1.3 g

19-50 years

1.6 g

1.1 g

1.4 g

1.3 g

51+ years

1.6 g

1.1 g

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