Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba – also known as the ginkgo tree. In this article the research information is based on the leaf extract of the ginkgo tree. The ginkgo tree has great potential for human health. It contains powerful antioxidants, it helps to improve blood circulation thereby increasing heart health. Thanks to the activities on Ginkgo, it helps to improve brain function and mental health.


Ginkgo contains high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids. These are powerful antioxidant compounds because they neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals are generated in the body during normal metabolism. They damage healthy tissues thereby accelerating the aging process as well as disease development.


Ginkgo tree has the ability to increase blood flow to various body parts. This increases the level of nitric oxide in the circulation, which is a compound that dilates blood vessels. From there, it can be said that it protects heart health, brain health and prevents strokes.


Inflammation inside the body is a natural response to injury or foreign matter. During the inflammatory response, the body’s immune system works to fight the foreign invader. Some chronic diseases trigger an inflammatory response even in the absence of disease or injury. Over time, this excessive inflammation can cause permanent damage to the body’s tissues and DNA. Ginkgo extract can reduce inflammatory markers in both human and animal cells in various disease states. Some specific conditions where ginkgo extract has been shown to reduce inflammation include:
• Arthritis
• Irritable bowel disease (IBD)
• Cancer
• Heart disease
• Stroke